Network marketing is the Internet as the main means of the marketing activities for the purpose of marketing purposes. So how to tap the business value of network marketing? Ji'nan Justsun science and technology today and everyone together to share points of network marketing business value chain in deep mining:
The first point: the integration of commodity information, that is, the exchange of information between enterprises and customers. This key link, the key is to request information from the first tier market, the more information is the line, the greater the probability of your success. In this part we need to extract accurate product selling point. This is the foundation, there is no basis for this protection, the other is the assassination of the prime minister. So the vertical thinking is the biggest highlight of the exact mining products.
The second point: trading information intersection, according to the selling point, the formation of the value of the intersection of the brand image, according to these to determine the way of communication and communication. The first is to carry out the integration of brand information, and then the brand information through what channels directed to our customers. Customer acceptance of the product information, and business to reach a deal. At this time, the value of the transaction was formed. The traditional marketing model is advertising on TV, newspapers, wall advertising, store or dealer agent distribution and marketing network is mainly through the event, product propaganda or e-mail or software data directed transmission to complete.
Third points: feeling information brand. That is to say, to make the old customers to buy multiple times. That is, we say the depth of marketing, the two time and even repeat the purchase of our products. So that the continuous purchase of the old customers get different service experience, slowly in the hearts of customers to form a brand. Do customers want to buy this product as long as the first time is to think of our brand, this is the feeling of brand information.
Jinan Jia Sheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., is a focus on high-end web site construction, network promotion, micro channel marketing, micro network construction, 400 telephone, hook SMS and brand communication network services. Years of training, so that we have a wealth of experience in creative design, marketing, technology research and development, we are good at listening to business needs, tap the core value of the brand, integration of high quality design and the latest technology, to create a valuable creative design experience.