Site is not updated snapshot of what is the reason why many webmaster in the face of the site is not updated snapshot of the problem will be raised such a question. Here is Ji'nan Jia Sheng science and technology will give you analysis and solution of some website snapshot not update the reason:
1, server access speed is too slow
There is no suspense, server access speed is too slow is the most important reason for the slow update of the site snapshot. In general we choose to purchase a home server or virtual host, if don't want to record, it is recommended to buy Hong Kong or South Korea space, less than a last resort to avoid as far as possible, using the United States space (unless you make foreign trade). The server because the line is too long, domestic access speed itself is relatively slow, and sometimes the network is not stable, it will appear Diaobao data, leading to open website very slowly. The access speed of the domestic server is generally about 5 times the American server.
Solution: if this website is very important to you, you still expect to rely on it to eat, then quickly replace the space bar.
2, the content of the site is not updated for a long time
Long term not to update the site will cause the snapshot not update or update slowly. The site of the update is to give the site to continue to inject new blood, a way to maintain the vitality of. Long do not update the site is like a long time to not watering the sunflower, although the sun's day, although there are, but sooner or later will have a withering day.
Some sites because there is a certain weight, even if not update the article, the snapshot update will keep up with time, this part of the site will be over time, the weight slowly fade, even if not every day to update, a week to keep updated at least once.
Solution: to maintain a good article update habits, the long-term is not only in the internal force of the consumption of the site.
3, new sites weight is low
Search engine for each new sites have an examination period, during the examination of the site of the general weight of the site is relatively low, snapshot update is relatively slow.
Solution: it is best to keep the update every day, for 2 months or so will form a relatively good spider grab, update the law, that time, the time will be relatively stable snapshot of the site, a long time delay is not updated, the situation will be greatly reduced. Long term updates will also enhance the site's weight score.
The other is the increase in the chain, the chain in the larger proportion of SEO factors, there is a degree of competition, if there is no chain, SEO front will be stretched, because the weight is slower. The appropriate chain can improve the weight of the site, which is conducive to the update of the site snapshot, shorten the time of the rankings.
Jinan Jia Sheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., is a focus on high-end website construction, website design, web promotion, micro channel marketing, micro network construction, 400 telephone, hook SMS and brand communication network services. Years of training, so that we have a wealth of experience in creative design, marketing, technology research and development, we are good at listening to business needs, tap the core value of the brand, integration of high quality design and the latest technology, to create a valuable creative design experience.